Sunday, December 18, 2011


Oleh Andi O. Bakrie · 14 April 2011
aku manusia yang dibesarkan dengan tangan dan kaki ..
aku diakrabkan dengan rasa sakit dan kecewa sejak usia dini..
tapi tak pernah terbesit setetespun nila dendam dan benci dihati..

tapi kau..
yang hidup didunia modernisasi..
yang bergelimang kemudahan2 teknologi..
sering kali mengumpat2 cuma karena masalah hati..

ini realita hidup wahai anak teknologi...

Yup, that was one and only my note on my facebook and yes, it's a poem..

and it's start by a lot of  "weird" FB status (if i can't call it nasty) of my friends and most of it women, sight..

okay, it's not wrong we got mad, and sometimes releasing anger good for our health, but F word? animal name? DARN GIRL!! u better than that..

U r a very special thing that God create, u r precious.. HE's not gonna give u HIS trust of give birth the human future if u r not that precious. what u gonna give to ur kid in the future? what's ur legacy? BAD MOUTH?? C'MON!!

Please.. i know we still can change all this matter, i know we still can be better, so from now on let's not put "weird" word on our FB status..

Mouth is place of heaven and hell, let's choose heaven with our praying and wish them better


Ade Andriyani said...

Setujah! :)

marina said...

Pesan yang baik walopun gw ngerasa ini lebih banyak nyalahin ce padahal byk jg co yg begitu lho... :( Cuma secara yg eksis kebykan ce jd ya kelihatannya ce mulu deh yg gak bs 'jaga bahasa' *huh
Tapi gw setuju klo kt (co & ce) hrs 'Jaga Bahasa' krn itu akan mempengaruhi generasi penerus kt, image orang tentang kt dan diri kt sendiri :)